Executive Coaching
As Elemental-Value, we are the licensed representative of Co-Active Coaching programs of CTI, the world's largest coaching school. We provide all our coaching services by keeping Co-Active coaching in our main centre. We see the potential of individuals and focus on living a meaningful life and making conscious choices. Call us for information about all our coaching services!
Co-active Coaching™ programs combine three main features to increase the quality of our client's work and private life.
Fulfillment – understanding the meaning of life and being satisfied with it
Balance – looking at the world from the right place, making the right choices and taking effective action.
Process – To savour the richness of every moment devoted to life or work, to realize the emotions and to experience them with their full meaning
​We place coaching at the centre of our work, because coaching is a process that ensures the learning and development that will take place and thus the performance to progress. To be successful, the Coach must have a knowledge and understanding of the process, as well as the various styles, skills and techniques needed for the context in which the coaching takes place.
Using a variety of tools, we evaluate personal competence, the relationship between patterns of activity, and the internal assumptions that drive the behaviour.
We place coaching at the centre of our work and We work with managers that
want to develop a growth perspective
are more focused on strategic thinking, communication and decision-making skills
are inspiring people to show their maximum performance
are eager to experience new positions
are rising leaders
Coaching works like this:
By encouraging the client to move forward in life in line with their values ​​and goals.
By making the client become conscious of their strengths and weaknesses in order to reach towards their goal.
Coaching not only affects individual performance, but also impacts the organization's implementation capacity by bringing a culture into the company.
We focus on how the client achieves results, how they bring out their best, how they lead with vision, and how they improve corporate structure and systems.
We measure self-restricting styles such as self-protection against production obligation and attack on adaptation, and we see styles such as self-preservation, working for the approval of others, and achieving results through tactics of high control.
We help increase the managerial presence within the company.
We encourage our clients to continuously improve their skills and develop new alliances for improvement as necessary to reach towards their goals.
Tangible results of Coaching​
Organizational strength
Employee retention
Result Profitability
Intangible results of Coaching​
​Development of relationships with Reports, Stakeholders, Spouses, Customers
Advanced teamwork
Increased professional satisfaction
Decreased conflicts
Increased corporate commitment
Increased life satisfaction
Making choices consciously
Deepening of relationships and strengthening of connection
Return on Investment of Coaching
Manchester’dan bir Danışmanlık Grubunun Fortune 100 yönetici çalışması koçluÄŸun program maliyetinin neredeyse altı
A Fortune 100 executive study by a Manchester Consulting Group found that coaching results in a return on investment of almost six times the cost of the program.
A study by the International Personnel Management Association found that when coaching is combined with training, productivity increases by 88% (compared to 22% with training alone).
A recent study of Executive Coaching in a Fortune 500 firm by MetrixGlobal reported a 529% return on investment and significant intangible benefits to the business
The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company found that productivity among sales-people who participated in the intensive coaching program increased by an average of 35%.
The subjects covered within Design Alliance
Aims and goals
Success Measurement
Roles of Stakeholders
Confidentiality Agreement